Submitted to publication

Amaral, D.T., J.R. Bombonato, S.C.S. Andrade, E.M. Moraes, FF. Franco. Partial genome assembly of a South American cactus Cereus fernambucensis shows ecological adaptation to dry and xeric areas in Brazil. Submitted to Scientific Reports.

Amaral, D.T., I. Minhós-Yano, J.V.M. Oliveira, M. Romeiro-Brito, I.A.S. Bonatelli, N. Taylor, D. Zappi, E.M. Moraes, D. Eaton, F.F. Franco. Rock outcrops are a primary source of dispersal for Neotropical cactus species. Submitted to Journal of Biogeography.

Bonatelli, I.A.S, Gehara, M., Carstens, B.C., Colli, G.R., Moraes, E.M. Comparative and predictive phylogeography in the South American dry diagonal: Unraveling trait influences on multi-taxon demography. In review.

Fonseca EM, Colli GR, Werneck F, Carstens BC. Phylogeographic model selection using convolutional neural networks. Molecular Ecology Resources, in review.

Mittan, C. S., C. P. A. Prado, M. T. C. Thomé, F. Camurugi, G. R. Colli, A. A. Garda, C. F. B. Haddad, K. R. Zamudio. Temporal and spatial drivers of diversification in Neotropical frogs of the widespread Boana albopunctata species group. Submitted to Journal of Biogeography.

Thome MTC, Carstens BC, Rodrigues MT, Galetti Jr. PM, Alexandrino J, Haddad CFB. Asynchrony of seasons explains genetic differentiation in a Neotropical toad. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society B, in revision.

Thome MTC, Carstens BC, Rodrigues MT, Galetti Jr. PM, Alexandrino J, Haddad CFB. Diversification in a Neotropical frog unveils Pleistocene dynamics in two South American dry Biomes. Journal of Biogeography, in revision.


Amaral, D.T., I.M. Yano, M. Romeiro-Brito, I.A.S. Bonatelli, E.M. Moraes, F.F. Franco. 2020. Spatio-temporal diversification of Cereus (Cactaceae, Cereeae) in South America: new evidence based on genomic data. Virtual/Oral presentation at “I SBE meeting 2020”.

Bombonato, J.R., D.T.Amaral, G.A.R. Silva, G. Khan, E.M. Moraes, S.C.S Andrade, D.A.R. Eaton, D.P. Alonso, P.E.M. Ribolla, N. Taylor, D. Zappi, F.F. Franco. 2020. The potential of genome-wide RAD sequences for resolving rapid radiations: a case study in Cactaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 151: 106896

Bonatelli, I.A.S, Gehara, M., Carstens, B.C., Colli, G.R., Moraes, E.M. Poster “Comparative phylogeography in the South American Dry Diagonal”. Virtual/Oral presentation at the Biogeography in the Neotropics Symposium in the I Meeting of Systematics, Biogeography and Evolution, on July 28-30, 2020.

Fonseca EM. 2020. The drivers of intraspecific genetic variation and adaptive potential in lizards in contrasting environments in the Neotropics. Candidacy proposal, The Ohio State University.

Lanna, Flavia L. 2020. How have current and previous environmental conditions shaped species traits? Understanding lizard trait variation and colonization to climatically different environments. Candidacy proposal, The Ohio State University.

Nascimento J.C.S., Morales M.J.A., Arroyo-Pérez W.Y., José J., Quast M.P., Solferini V.N. 2020. Tropical and Subtropical South America: A Study of Community Turnover Across Environmental Gradients. In: Rull V., Carnaval A. (eds) Neotropical Diversification: Patterns and Processes. Fascinating Life Sciences. Springer, Cham.

Yano, I.M., D.T. Amaral, D.C. Zappi, N.P. Taylor, M. Romeiro-Brito, E.M. Moraes, F.F. Franco. 2020. Análise da evolução de caracteres fenotípicas de espécies de cactos do gênero Cereus MILL. (Cactaceae). Virtual/Oral presentation at “I Simpósio Digital de Sistemática e Evolução de Plantas”.


Amaral, D.T., F.F. Franco. 2019. Montagem preliminar do genoma de Cereus fernambucensis LEM. (Cereeae: Cactaceae) mostra adaptação ecológicas a áreas secas e abertas no Brasil. Oral presentation at “70o Congresso Nacional de Botânica”, Maceio, BR.

Bombonato, JR; Bonatelli, IAS.; Silva, GAR.; Moraes, EM; Zappi, DC; Taylor, NP; Franco, FF. Cross-genera SSR transferability in cacti revealed by a case study using Cereus (Cereeae, Cactaceae). GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 42: 87-94, 2019.

Patane, JSL; Martins-junior, J; Rangel, LT; Belasque, J; Digiampietri, LA; Facincani, AP; Jaciani, FJ.; Ferreira, RM; Zhang, Y; Varani, AM; Almeida, NF; Wang, N; Ferro, JA; Moreira, LM; Setubal, JC. Origin and diversification of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri pathotypes revealed by inclusive phylogenomic, dating, and biogeographic analyses. BMC GENOMICS, 20: 700, 2019.

Santiago, CRN; Assis, RAB; Moreira, LM; Digiampietri, LA. Gene Tags Assessment by Comparative Genomics (GTACG): A user-friendly framework for bacterial comparative genomics. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, 10: 725, 2019.